templates/_navSubSearch.html.twig line 1

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  7.                     <form action="{{ path('results') }}"  style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%">
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  9.                             <div class="selectors mobile" style="display: flex; align-items: center; width: auto;">
  10.                                 <div id="transaction-drop" class="dropdown">
  11.                                     <div class="undroped">
  12.                                         <p class="undroped-header">Type de transaction</p>
  13.                                         <p name="transaction-type" class="undroped-subheader">Tous</p>
  14.                                         <input type="hidden" value="" class="input-subheader" name="transaction-type">
  15.                                     </div>
  16.                                     <div class="droped">
  17.                                         <div class="dropdown-header">Type de transaction</div>
  18.                                         <ul id="transaction-li" class="items">
  19.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and not app.session.get('filter')['transaction-type'] %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="">Tous</li>
  20.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['transaction-type'] == 'Vente' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="Vente">Achat</li>
  21.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['transaction-type'] == 'Location' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="Location">Location</li>
  22.                                             {#
  23.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="Viager">Viager</li>
  24.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="Enchere">Enchère</li>
  25.                                             #}
  26.                                         </ul>
  27.                                     </div>
  28.                                 </div>
  29.                                 <div id="property-drop" class="dropdown">
  30.                                     <div class="undroped">
  31.                                         <p class="undroped-header">Type de biens</p>
  32.                                         <p name="property-type" class="undroped-subheader">Appartement, Bureau, ...</p>
  33.                                         <input type="hidden" value="" class="input-subheader" name="property-type">
  34.                                     </div>
  35.                                     {% set propertyTypeSelected = false %}
  36.                                     {% if propertiesApi is defined %}
  37.                                     {% for type in propertiesApi.getTypesProperties() %}
  38.                                         {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == type %}
  39.                                             {% set propertyTypeSelected = type %}
  40.                                         {% endif %}
  41.                                     {% endfor %}
  42.                                     {% endif %}
  43.                                     <div class="droped">
  44.                                         <div class="dropdown-header">Type de biens</div>
  45.                                         <ul id="property-li" class="items">
  46.                                             <li class="item {% if not propertyTypeSelected %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="all">Tous</li>
  47.                                             {% if propertiesApi is defined %}
  48.                                                 {% for type in propertiesApi.getTypesProperties() %}
  49.                                                     <li class="item {% if propertyTypeSelected == type %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="{{ type }}">{{ type }}</li>
  50.                                                 {% endfor %}
  51.                                             {% endif %}
  52.                                             {#
  53.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Studio' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Studio">Studio</li>
  54.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Appartement' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Appartement">Appartement</li>
  55.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Maison' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Maison">Maison</li>
  56.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Bureaux' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Bureaux">Bureau</li>
  57.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Commerce' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Commerce">Commerce</li>
  58.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Garage / Parking' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Garage / Parking">Garage / Parking</li>
  59.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Immeuble' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Immeuble">Immeuble</li>
  60.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['property-type'] == 'Cave / Box' %}selected{% endif %}" data-value="Cave / Box">Cave / Box</li>
  61.                                             #}
  62.                                         </ul>
  63.                                     </div>
  64.                                 </div>
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  66.                                     <div class="undroped">
  67.                                         <p class="undroped-header">Localisation</p>
  68.                                         <p class="undroped-subheader">Choisissez une commune</p>
  69.                                         <input type="hidden" value="" class="input-subheader" name="location">
  70.                                     </div>
  71.                                     <div class="droped">
  72.                                         <div  class="dropdown-header">Localisation</div>
  73.                                         <ul id="location-li-mobile" class="items">
  74.                                             {#
  75.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="Appartement">Luxembourg-Ville</li>
  76.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="Bureaux">Leudelange</li>
  77.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="Maison">Esch-Sur-Alzette</li>
  78.                                             #}
  79.                                         </ul>
  80.                                     </div>
  81.                                 </div>
  82.                             </div>
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  84.                                 <div class="col-lg-3 div-form">
  85.                                     <input class="sub-search-input" name="budget"  id="budget" type="text" placeholder="Budget max." value="{% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['budget'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['budget'] != '' %}{{ app.session.get('filter')['budget'] }}{% endif %}">
  86.                                 </div>
  87.                                 <div id="rooms-drop" class="dropdown">
  88.                                     <div class="undroped">
  89.                                         <p class="undroped-header transparent-font">
  90.                                         {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['rooms'] != '' %}
  91.                                             {{ app.session.get('filter')['rooms'] }} chambre(s)
  92.                                         {% else %}
  93.                                             Nombre de chambres
  94.                                         {% endif %}
  95.                                         </p>
  96.                                         <p class="undroped-subheader good-place"></p>
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  98.                                     </div>
  99.                                     <div class="droped">
  100.                                         <div class="dropdown-header">Nombre de chambres</div>
  101.                                         <ul id="rooms-li" class="items">
  102.                                             <li class="item" data-value ="">Indifférent</li>
  103.                                             {% for i in 0..6 %}
  104.                                             <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['rooms'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['rooms'] == i %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="{{ i }}">{{ i }} chambre(s)</li>
  105.                                             {% endfor %}
  106.                                         </ul>
  107.                                     </div>
  108.                                 </div>
  109.                                     <!--<input class="sub-search-input" id="area-minimum" name="area-minimum" type="text" placeholder="Surface min.">-->
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  111.                                         <div class="undroped">
  112.                                             <p class="undroped-header transparent-font">
  113.                                             {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] != '' %}
  114.                                                 {{ app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] }} m²
  115.                                             {% else %}
  116.                                                 Surface minimum
  117.                                             {% endif %}
  118.                                             </p>
  119.                                             <p class="undroped-subheader good-place"></p>
  120.                                             <input type="hidden" class="input-subheader" name="area-minimum">
  121.                                         </div>
  122.                                         <div class="droped">
  123.                                             <div class="dropdown-header">Surface minimum</div>
  124.                                             <ul id="area-li" class="items">
  125.                                                 <li class="item" data-value="">Indifférent</li>
  126.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 20 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="20">20 m²</li>
  127.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 30 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="30">30 m²</li>
  128.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 40 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="40">40 m²</li>
  129.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 50 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="50">50 m²</li>
  130.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 60 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="60">60 m²</li>
  131.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 70 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="70">70 m²</li>
  132.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 80 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="80">80 m²</li>
  133.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 90 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="90">90 m²</li>
  134.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 100 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="100">100 m²</li>
  135.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 110 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="110">110 m²</li>
  136.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 120 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="120">120 m²</li>
  137.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 130 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="130">130 m²</li>
  138.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 140 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="140">140 m²</li>
  139.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 150 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="150">150 m²</li>
  140.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 160 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="160">160 m²</li>
  141.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 170 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="170">170 m²</li>
  142.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 180 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="180">180 m²</li>
  143.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 190 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="190">190 m²</li>
  144.                                                 <li class="item {% if app.session.get('filter') and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] is defined and app.session.get('filter')['area-minimum'] == 200 %}selected{% endif %}" data-value ="200">200 m²</li>
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  147.                                             </ul>
  148.                                         </div>
  149.                                 </div>
  150.                             </div>
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  172. </div>